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Welcome to the Boerne Area Democrats website!

We are a diverse group of people from several of the the surrounding counties and would love to have you join us.  We meet on the second Thursday of each month.  Please check our Boerne Area Democrats Facebook page for the most current information about our meetings and activities.

Upcoming BAD meeting:

Thursday, October 10th

12:00 p.m.

Longhorn Cafe, 369 S. Esser, Boerne (Upstairs)

 Speaker:  Herb Krasner

"Explaining and Exposing the School Choice/Voucher Situation: What We Might Get If We Don't Act". His presentation will expose the facts and data behind the current controversy known as either “school choice” or “school vouchers” - from the point of view that “public schools are for the public good” and are the cornerstone of our fragile democracy. The public is invited.

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